Jesus’ command is, “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19).
He told us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). His prayer to the Father was that His followers would always be with Him where He is (Jn 17:24).
However, have you noticed our tendency is to ask Him to follow us around all day, that He would just tag along according to all our needs in “our lives”?
“Dear Jesus, please be with me today during my presentation …”
“Be with me as I try to resolve this pressing issue …”
“Oh, I need you with me today when I get together with …”
However, Jesus said, “Follow Me.”
They Left Their Nets
Their nets – their vocations, their families, their lives, their world. The disciples were called “followers” for a reason – they left everything to follow Him. (Matthew 4:20)
“Nets” can also refer to our entanglements and distractions in life (oh … where do we begin with that?). The depiction of the disciples reveals they ultimately surrendered life’s interruptions and complications too.
What about us? Do our petitions today have that same kind of abandon when we make requests before God? After all, which did Jesus say was at hand, our pursuits and concerns or His kingdom (Mark 1:15)?
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you
Matthew 6:33
As believers, we did place His kingdom first on that faithful day when we responded to His call to step away and surrender our lives to Him, upon which we are saved. Halleluhia!
But what about since then?
Have we left our lives, denied ourselves, and picked up our crosses as He commanded? Or are we still seeking first our aspirations and worries, hoping Jesus will just agree to trail along and make it all work out for us?
I must honestly assess whether I am still asking Jesus to follow my way, my truth, and my life … or His (John 14:6). Yes, there are times to appropriately ask for blessing and for the LORD to be with me in this or that.
But let me first set my priorities straight. Matthew 6:10 states, “Your [the Father’s] kingdom come. Your will be done.”
Therefore, in alignment with His will, my petitions should rightly be,
“LORD, where are YOU going? May I come along?”
“Can I follow YOU today with what’s on YOUR heart?”
Then, as I humble and empty myself and place Him first, I will find all things (my needs, concerns, requests) added to me according to His glory and grace.
The call is clear: we’re to lose our lives as leaders so that we’ll find it as followers (Luke 17:33).
The early believers left everything, not knowing where it was all leading, but they trusted and grew deeper in love with the Savior. Jesus didn’t follow them around. They followed HIM.
Should our walk with our Savior be any different today?
believers cross deny entangle follow follow Him kingdom Nets petitions priorities trusted
Last modified: August 9, 2024