PrayerQuick-Word DevosThe First and Best


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The cares of the day seek after our hearts as much as God does. Let’s arise each morning and talk to God before the day so easily drowns Him out. 

“Awake, O sleeper,
and arise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

Ephesians 5:14

This is what the early church in Acts instituted in the upper room. What better time and place to follow their example than with your fellow believers in Christ.

These leaders were compelled by the awesome commission set before them knowing nothing would be accomplished apart from the power of prayer (Psalm 127:1). It remains the same, today.

We can do lots of things in our own strength; develop plans, build programs, hold events, make changes and improvements … but none of it endures or holds power if it’s only rooted in us (John 15:4-5).

The early church prayed boldly and the earth shook and chains were broken! (Acts 16:25-26) Earnest prayer stops suns from setting (Joshua 10:12-13), holds back the rain and re-allows it to fall (James 5:17-18), and raises up the dead (John 11:41-44).

Today, what chains do we face? What needs light to shine or refreshing rain to fall upon it? What needs the reviving of new life? What mountains hinder us?

Sleep doesn’t move mountains. Prayer moves mountains (Matthew 17:20), and in particular, the corporate intercessory prayer of believers. It’s time to arise!

Last modified: October 12, 2024